Thank you for visiting This site was designed to provide information regarding BOOTCAMP. The program is setup to help individuals (men & women) lose weight, lose inches, tone and gain self-confidence while maintaining accountability, group inspiration and motivation to create overall good health for LIFE.
If you are interested in a healthy LIFESTYLE,
then you have come to the right place. (Novice to Advance Members Welcome). For more information on what you can expect at BOOTCAMP Click on the “About BOOTCAMP” button, for location info and camp dates click on “Lose 20lbs Register Now” button and information on Personal Training scroll to the "About Bootcamp" and select "Personal TrainingPersonal Training" on the drop-down menu. Thanks for visiting our site and we will see you soon!
You can be one of the REAL PEOPLE who experience REAL RESULTS!! Bootcamp Prices
$175 - Early Registration $299 - Cost if Registered After Early Registration $125 - Third time Camper 1st BOOTCAMP in Clayton County, Georgia (2005)!!!!